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How Music affects people’s moods and emotions.

According to research and embryology studies, the first organ developing during a child’s
gestation is the ear, so auditory vibrations (therefore, music) can be perceived even before a
child’s birth. The intrauterine development of the hearing sense has been described in several
texts, the embryo recognizes internal sounds like the mom’s heart beating as well as outside
frequencies like noises and in this case music.
Music is considered the most pleasant element, exercising an important influence on the limbic
system and segregating neurotransmitters such as dopamine, a similar effect that sexual
intercourse and drugs have on the brain. These neurotransmitters enhance retention of information, imagination, and creativity.
Maryland’s University researchers say that a relation between cardiovascular health and music
does exist.
Also, it is not strange at all how many people from the past have associated the benefits of
music on mental health. Important philosophers like Confucious and Plato would sing worship
chants to release tension. As well as the Hebrews described in the Bible the use of marching
music to increase confidence, and courage in their soldiers.
In modern times, music is used in sports events to promote enthusiasm. Kids use it in
kindergarten to memorize the abecedary. The modern investigation supports theories and
ancient knowledge that music is beneficial for people’s moods. Research also backs up the
common empirical experience of paring music with rhythm and melodic sense, memory,

and learning are enhanced by these actions.
For example, music is used for kids and teenagers with short attention spam in several ways. It
may be used as a reward for the desired behavior, for example, 10 uninterrupted minutes of
study. Music can be used also as an amusement for academically “boring” subjects to improve
memory and attention.
Patients with mild or even severe insomnia tend to use comforting music to help them sleep.
Also, an analysis of 5 studies about music and depression concluded that music therapy not
only does help patients with depression, it also works for improving their mood states. Music has
been found to be stress-relieving and promotes calm for patients with senile dementia since it
reduces the effects of cortisol, known as the stress hormone.

Knowing that certain types of music can relieve stress is one thing; being careful in choosing
what kind of music to listen to is another. Choose your music as carefully as you choose your
food and your friends.


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